This blog is all about inspiring an impactful life.
But sometimes I write personal things about myself…like this post.
It’s relevant because, basically, I’m pointing that bony finger of indignation back at me!
Using myself as an example of what not to do.
Because in terms of actually living an impactful life, I’ve failed in many respects.
I often talk about my 13 years in Costa Rica. But the closing of this year marks a decade of actually living here. The first couple years I was still residing in the States, traveling back and forth frequently in pursuit of my Costa Rica deal.
2004 was the year of my divorce. A lost year that I really have pretty much blocked from my memory.
So, actually it’s been from 2005 until now that I can legitimately consider myself a “resident” of Costa Rica.
And if I had to choose a phrase to describe it, I would say that it’s been a decade of indulgence.
The women are beautiful and sexy (sorry if that sounds sexist, but it’s simply true).
The weather is always warm.
The landscapes are breathtaking.
You can indulge in many of the “controlled substances” that pass through on their way to the great demand centers up north.
The natives aren’t “restless” at all, but quite friendly and welcoming…as long as you mind your manners.
Living is simply much easier in Costa Rica.
It’s easy just to sit back and…indulge.
Much easier than in, say, Duluth, Des Moines, or Detroit.
In fact, I would say anywhere between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, at least in the Americas, the temptation of indulgence is an irresistible force.
But as I sit here writing this, only a few days away from the close of this decade of indulgence, I can finally say, OK, enough is enough.
There’s work to be done…in the rapidly diminishing time that I’ve got left to do it.
I know it might sound weird to a lot of folks, especially my fellow expats, many of whom have already given me comically puzzling looks upon learning of my “outrageously stupid” repatriation plans, but…
I’m just tired of it…tired of living the indulgent life.
It’s become, well, boring.
Listen, now don’t go confusing “indulgence” with luxury.
Since I barely have a proverbial pot to piss in, my life here has been anything but luxurious.
Lately I’ve faced some cognitive dissonance concerning my life here.
Because, truthfully, a life of indulgence is the opposite of a life of impact.
And since that’s what I’m supposed to be all about, I’ve heroically decided it’s time to get the hell out of Dodge.
Where am I going?
Well, if you’ve read anything I’ve written lately, you should know that I’ve chosen Portland, Oregon.
Why Portland?
Why not?
You see, let’s face it, I’m kind of a weird guy…right?
And Portland is a place where weirdness is, well, sort of embraced.
The motto of the city is “Keep Portland Weird”, so I thought I’d lend a hand to the effort by moving there myself!
Got it now?
I once thought that simply by living as a poor, yet remarkably indulgent, U.S. expat in Costa Rica, I would be that guy, that Costa Rica Guy, who could show the world the happiness of living with less.
However, there’s more to impact than that.
So, heigh-ho, heigh-ho, it’s off to work I go!
Goodbye Costa Rica…
Hello, Portlandia!