Comedians get away with saying stuff that the rest of us can’t, or don’t dare to.
Take Louis C.K., for instance. Have you ever seen his “n-word” routine?
I’d never heard of the late Bill Hicks before the other day. He was a comedian who gained more fame in the U.K. in the 80’s than he ever did in the U.S. I came across a Brain Pickings post concerning a letter that Hicks wrote to a priest defending his right of free speech.
The priest didn’t think too highly of Hick’s religious denouncements during his infamous Revelations made for TV special. So, he wrote Hicks a letter to that effect.
Hicks responded with a cogent defense of his right to say exactly what he thought. Adding that if the priest could remove the impact blinder of clerical outrage and hear what Hicks’ message really was, then maybe there would be less cause for concern.
I’ll have to admit some of what Hicks says even makes me uncomfortable. But, it does make you think…
which, I believe, is the point.
The last little piece in Revelations has come to be widely known as the It’s Just a Ride closing segment.
In the midst of our tendency to take everything, especially ourselves, way too seriously, Hicks point of view is refreshing.
But is it true?
Because if life is just a ride…then is there a point to it?
Yea, I will agree life is certainly…a…ride.
With ups and downs, twists and turns, and sometimes with no easily discernible point.
But even though discernible points are hard to come across…it doesn’t mean that there isn’t any point at all.
I simply can’t go along with the idea that there is no point to my life…or yours.
That we are here by virtue of chance and what transpires during our short window of existence is likewise given over completely to the winds of fate.
You see, I do believe there is a point, a reason, a hand that is guiding us.
Yes, it’s a ride, but it’s not “just” a ride.
So what’s the point to it all, Costa Rica Guy, you ask?
If you know anything about this blog you might be capable of venturing a guess as to my opinion on that matter…
try it…
Okay, what was your guess?
Well, I hope you didn’t come up with some religious notion of spending eternity in a place with gold paved streets lined with diamond reflectors.
But the bible does allude to that purpose. I’m thinking of the 1 Corinthians Chapter 12 part that talks about each member of the body having a function. Yea, I know, I’m taking that way out of context…
You see, I, not unlike Hicks, do believe in universal connection. That all matter is connected. It’s as if the universe is one large organism made up of cells that look a lot like you and me.
What happens when a cell is not working in harmony for the benefit of the organism as a whole…?…
well, cancer.
Cancer is nothing more than a renegade cell…a greedy cell…or an indifferent cell.
The impact of what we do, and say, and think, and inspire others to do, and say, and think.
So, OK, maybe it’s a ride indeed…
but it’s not just a ride.