If you’ve paid any attention to this blog recently, you might’ve noticed my support for this guy named Bernie Sanders…
But does Bernie really qualify as a “revolutionary misfit”?
Let’s examine that question thoughtfully…
A revolutionary misfit is guided by the principles of impact mindfulness, namely…
- He or she will prioritize impact over self-interest…
- He or she will embrace the concept of the “Big US” – that we are all in this together…
- Lastly, he or she will seek to remove “impact blinders.”
Let’s examine each principle to determine once and for all if Bernie is a revolutionary misfit.
1. Does Bernie prioritize Impact over Interest?
More than anything else, the campaign of Bernie Sanders is a campaign against greed. Greed is the antithesis of impact over interest. The current neoliberal political and governing philosophy, that actually prevails on the right and the left, the so-called “establishment, is a greed promoting one. And the result has been dangerous levels of inequality that are now erupting in one of the most momentous anti-establishment presidential elections in my lifetime spanning 5.5 decades.
I believe Clinton will ultimately meet with the same fate. I just hope that happens during the nomination process and not in the general election.
Back to the point, Bernie has a pretty darn good plan for fixing the inequality problem. Just check out his site to get the particulars.
And, more than anything else, it has to do with reigning in greed.
Here’s what Bernie recently had to say on the issue of greed…
So, yes I believe Bernie passes the test for impact over interest with flying colors.
2. Does Bernie embrace the concept of the Big US?
It seems that much is always made of the religious leanings of our presidential candidates. We make it a big deal about knowing whether or not they believe in god and which god they actually do believe in.
Bernie has been a tad evasive on this issue. He is Jewish by birth, but doesn’t seem to adhere to that, or any other, religious dogma, or faith.
However, he did say this…
Well, you can’t get much closer than that to this fundamental principle for revolutionary misfits.
And, after all, Bernie has battled his entire political life for racial, sexual and economic equality.
3. Does Bernie Sanders seek to eliminate Impact Blinders?
Bernie’s candidacy is remarkable on many levels. The fact that he has raised a lot of money, on an equal level with the establishment, and he has done so, not with Super PACs, or large donors, but with some 4 million individual contributions averaging $27 apiece, is a revolutionary political feat in itself.
But, even more than that, he has risen to national prominence despite having labeled himself as a “democratic socialist!”
Perhaps because Bernie doesn’t deal in labels, but in solving problems. And he believes that the way other countries have solved problems, such as providing health care and affordable education to all their citizens, can also be implemented in the richest nation on earth, despite the “socialist” label that the neoliberal establishment wants to place on such solutions.
Labels, as I have written before, are the most insidious of impact blinders and Bernie couldn’t give a hoot about them.
Bernie is removing impact blinders faster than you can say “feel the Bern” and that is a good thing for America. We can do better and we will do better when we stop pigeonholing efforts out of this irrational fear of labels, especially that one that begins with the letter “S!”
If case you haven’t noticed, this is perhaps the most important presidential election of our lifetimes…
Because we have a chance of changing the way things are done in america. We can either change them in a good and progressive way, or we can change them in a destructive way that leads us down a very dark path.
But one thing’s for sure, things are going to change with this election…
“Status-quo-ism” will not rule the day this time…
Because, truthfully, he’s the only one in this race that has any will to implement real and positive change.
With all that said, I wholeheartedly dub Bernie Sanders a very honorary Revolutionary Misfit!
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