You can’t change the world if you feel like shit…
from sticky note on CRG’s bathroom mirror
Impact mindfulness is about changing the world…
I mean that’s the objective, right?
I listened to an interesting Unmistakable Creative podcast episode this morning. Srini was interviewing Meg Worden. Now, you probably don’t know this, but Meg spent 2 years in Federal prison for dealing ecstasy…that’s an “awful” drug that’s possibly the best cure for PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder). But, even so, taking it and certainly selling it, can still get you in a whole lot of trouble…as Meg found out.
Meg talks a lot about the connection between the body and the mind. Meg called it the “mind-body” connection, but I like to think of the concept more in terms of the body mind connection.
That is, how what we do to and with our bodies affects our mind…the core of our creative capacity.
In the interview, she made the point that this connection is especially important when it comes to creative types…those crazies who want to create something that is going to have an impact on the world…
or, folks like…me!
Problem is, I’m often NOT cognizant of it.
Or, willfully inattentive, perhaps?
It’s part and parcel of my rebellious nature, I think.
I have written in the past about how self-indulgence is my creativity kryptonite.
That’s sort of exactly what Meg’s getting at.
To be mindful of what it is you’re consuming into your body…physically and mentally…
garbage in…garbage out…so to speak.
Her message resonated with me because from my own experience I can attest and say right on Meg!
Even though I don’t always take her extremely wise advice.
I am considering a new book (on the heels of my soon to be published Revolutionary Misfit Manifesto) about Practical Impacts…
That is, practical ways to put impact mindfulness into practice in your actual day-to-day lives.
Most of what we talk about here are remote impacts…that is, how we can put these concepts into practice to make life better for others…for people and planet…
but how about for ourselves?
in other words, as the opening quote suggests…
it’s extremely hard to change the world when you feel like shit.
So, my point this morning is about a practice of impact mindfulness that starts with ourselves…
that is, being mindful about how we treat our own bodies…
and minds.
I don’t always do so well in that regard.
How about you?
It’s really important to the overall concept of impact mindfulness because the ability to be a change agent starts right here…
with me.
And I’m the one with 100% control here.
So, really there are no excuses in this case.
So, what you put in your mouth and ultimately what slides down into the stomach and gradually filters through the blood stream and becomes a part of you…
does matter.
As does what enters the portal of consciousness called the eyes and filters its way into that muscle of creative capacity called the brain.
Be more careful…and mindful about those things…
and ultimately become a more impact-full human being.
Let’s do this together, hold each other accountable…
I need that!
image credit: RHiNO NEAL via Compfight cc
great stuff… but you need to change your profile picture… its getting old already…