A recent interaction on my FaceBook profile page leads me to believe that COVID-19 is accelerating the descent into madness among my fellow Americans…
I post a lot of stuff that interests me on my page. I post music that I like and find provocative, especially by the Grateful Dead (surely to the annoyance of many of my unenlightened friends). I post pictures of family and the beauty of my adopted country, Costa Rica. Occasionally, I will post a political meme, but I really don’t like those, as I find them lacking in nuance and usually intellectually insulting. I post books that I’ve recently read. I do that because I’m always on the lookout for good reading suggestions, so I like to offer a few myself for my friends to consider. And I post articles, some of them political, but only after carefully reading and vetting each. I try not to post anything that I find to be conspiratorial, or factually inaccurate.
I have FaceBook friends (some real and some virtual) with varying and often contrasting political ideals. I have quite a few friends who are conservative Trump supporters. After all, I hail from the Carolinas, which by and large is an area supportive of Donald Trump. So, a lot of my old friends from back home disagree with much of what I post. And I’m perfectly OK with that. In fact, I welcome the engagement of healthy and heated debate, as long as it remains respectful.
However, what happened recently on my page was definitely heated, but neither healthy, nor respectful, …
I posted a thoughtful article by Ezra Klein on the abject failure of the Trump administration in responding to the pandemic. I read a lot of Ezra’s stuff, books and articles, and I frequently listen to his podcast. I find him to be an intellectual worth listening to. However, he is predominantly of a liberal leaning mindset. And I don’t always agree with him. I would say that I’m decidedly more on the progressive side compared to Ezra.
Almost immediately upon posting this article I had a Trump supporter offer a comment on my post (I am quite sure without ever having taking the time to actually read the article). The comment basically said that by posting this article I would surely lose 50% of my real estate client base…I guess assuming that 50% of said base would take issue with the article to such a degree as to “fire” me over it…
If this “friend” was actually trying to “help” me by offering business advice…that ain’t the way to do it. And furthermore, if making money means that I can’t express my political views, peacefully and respectfully, on my own FaceBook page, well then I guess he’s right…I’m headed straight for the poor-house!
Suffice it to say that I responded to his comment in a way that I don’t respond very often. To paraphrase, I invited him to quickly exit my FaceBook page and go straight to hell!
I take political positions on my page. It’s my personal page. I think I’m allowed to do that. In fact, a quick perusal of my former friend’s (he unfriended me after this encounter) page confirmed that about 90% of the content is overtly political and usually insulting to anyone of a contrary viewpoint. Nevertheless, I refrained from any reciprocal trolling.
I have another page dedicated to my real estate business and I do not post anything remotely political over there. I don’t think it’s the place to do so and fans of that page do not want to see political crap, but rather content related to Costa Rica real estate and expat living.
So, what gives a Trump supporter the audacious idea that he can attack a person in this manner just because he disagrees with a political post?
Isn’t the whole concept of democracy predicated upon peaceful political debate?
If you want to eradicate all political debate and do so by threatening opposing views with financial (or, worse, physical) repercussion, then aren’t we converting our system to something far less than democratic? Doesn’t that sound a lot like what takes place in, say, Russia, China, or North Korea? I thought conservative Trump supporters were staunchly against totalitarianism of that nature?
Is that really the world you want to live in, or want your grandchildren to be borne into?
And what does a virus have to do with all this? Why is it that COVID-19 is accelerating the descent into madness, as opposed to everything else that’s happened over the last three years?
COVID-19 is exposing some dark truths about American society. As we are standing out as the most exceptional nation on the planet, in terms of COVID-19 cases and deaths, the gross excesses of our overly materialistic society are rising to the surface like a plucked Phoenix from the ashes. This unseen enemy (as Trump likes to call it) has rendered our mighty and invincible economy incapable of even providing adequate personal protective equipment (PPE) for the essential workers on the front-lines, exposing themselves while fighting to keep the rest of us safe. Can you imagine a response like this in the aftermath of Pearl Harbor, or 9-11?
When it comes to blowing up other people in far away lands, we always seem to find the means to do so. But we can’t seem to find those same means to provide adequate testing and tracing to try to contain this “Chinese” pathogen, or at least not for the most vulnerable among us.
And as the economy shrinks under shelter in place orders, the gloves come off and the AR-15’s are taken down from the truck racks. People are fighting mad and someone has to be blamed for this mess…
And the COVID-19 descent into madness accelerates.
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