OK, time to step back and reevaluate what I’m doing.
As anyone who reads this blog (and I know there are a few of you out there) knows…
I’ve done and repatriated to Portland, Oregon.
Is it sticking, you ask?
Or, am I ready to head for those Costa Rican jungle-tops with my idealistic tale tucked between my legs?
The thought has crossed, but I’m not one to give up so easily.
I’ve sort of awakened from the fantasy of finding it easy back here.
I’ve been looking for work, but so far nothing has worked…out.
I’m even dipping a toe into MLM waters…something I still can’t really imagine myself doing, but, hey, what the hell?
It’s just so damned easy to get caught up here…caught up in the rat-race of trying to make a buck and keep up with those Joneses, who seem to always have it better than you…
Know what I mean?
So, this post is going to be one of those cathartic, hey Costa Rica Guy…chill out for a moment…kind of ones.
I’m that voice crying in the wilderness, right?
The revolutionary misfit.
Not just another joe caught up in the capitalistic matrix of living for work and money and the shit that it allows me to buy.
We have to constantly give ourselves these gut-checks…
if we want to live an impactful life…
What’s it really all about?
If the answer is money, then I suggest we find another one.
Oh for sure, everyone will tell you, but MONEY is the way to achieve your dreams…that it removes the constraints that keep you from maximizing your human potential.
The problem is that just as soon as you make money the driving force in your life…BAM!…
you’re off track.
And it’s so easy for that to happen. It just kinda creeps in there, unnoticed.
And it’s happening to me, right now.
Is this some kind of American-borne virus that’s floating around in the air searching for vulnerable victims?
We need to find a vaccine for that sucker.
Because money and the property it can be used to acquire are not the things I want to pursue in this short life.
You see, the price is your life, your true potential as a human being…as opposed to a human doing.
I just don’t buy the idea that happiness is found in material. I refuse to let myself be drawn into that formulation of the American dream, or myth.
It’s found in connection.
It’s found in love.
It’s found in contribution.
It’s found in service.
It’s found in impact.
I need to remind myself, from time to time, to be mindful of that.
Impact Mindful…
Lots of truth in this blog Scott. I thought a lot about your thinking before you posted this and wondered how you felt about stepping back into “the machine” I know it will be a major adjustment and I’m sure that you will constantly have to evaluate whether ” the jungle ” or ” the machine ” is the way to live. I feel sure that with your life experience and intelligence that you’ll find that it’s a little of both. I don’t believe that it’s all or none in this game of life. It’s all about balance and priorities. Good luck on YOUR journey and I hope to learn from your search for the ideal combination. Go easy my friend.
Chet…thanks so much for your kind words. Moving back to the U.S. is a MAJOR adjustment in more ways than you can imagine. But, it’s all a learning, growing and evolving experience…i just want to make sure to keep the main thing…the main thing. Pura Vida!