Donald Trump is President. That’s a fact.
That will mean different things to different people. Some will rejoice. Others will lament.
But what will it really mean, in general, for people and planet?
More than likely it will mean change. Things are probably going to change in the U.S.A. and in the world. The question is, will they change for the better?
I’ve been writing in my blog for quite a while now that America, and the world, does in fact desperately need a change in direction. I just don’t believe that Donald Trump is the right one.
Trump’s election will most likely usher in a renewed sense of “putting America first”, or of “American Exceptionalism”…as if the rest of the world just doesn’t matter all that much.
And in that effort, jobs will likely be created. Heck, the stock market is already rallying in anticipation of all that pent-up demand being released into the market-sphere.
However, I have a sense that there are many, millions even, like me who believe that a heightened emphasis on money as the measuring stick for human prosperity in the context of a zero-sum, us versus them, world view, is not really the right direction to go in.
It certainly wasn’t the direction strongly suggested by that anti-Trumpian counter-revolutionary named Bernie Sanders…now was it?
However, in my estimation, that’s exactly the direction in which “we” are going…at least for the next four years.
I’ve been operating on dual “career paths” in the last couple years. One in which I espouse this mindset I call “impact mindfulness” in my blog, Revolutionary Misfit, and in books, like The Impact Revolution and The Revolutionary Misfit Manifesto.
And the other where I tout the Costa Rica expat life and offer services for guided Costa Rica Expat Tours, or Costa Rica Expat Consulting, to anyone who thinks they might like to give Costa Rica expat living a try.
I have decided that it wouldn’t be a bad idea for those two paths to merge into a concept you might call Expat Mindfulness. And the change that has now been unleashed in the world, in the form of the Donald J. Trump, is a prime motivator behind my thinking.
Certainly this epiphany is part economically motivated. I do anticipate that many will decide that the direction the U.S.A. is going in just ain’t consistent with their values anymore. I believe that might give rise to more demand for my services.
Hey, we’ve all go to make a buck…right?
But there’s more to it than just that.
I’m thinking more in terms of tribe building.
If you’re one of those who might be thinking of making a change as drastic as leaving your country of birth…well, I want to give you some solace and some inspiration.
Solace in being part of a tribe of others who are of similar mindset. And inspiration in the form of a cogent reason to make your expat move…
Expat Mindfulness.
Because, you see, the last “change” that the world needs is an even stronger sense of the accumulation mindset. That what really matters is my capability as an individual to become “super successful”, measured in terms of my ability to accumulate more stuff in a dog-eat-dog competitive context.
On the contrary, what the world needs right now is love, sweet love…to steal from a song.
No, really, what the world does need is a heightened sense of togetherness…of the Big US.
What the world needs right now are more people willing to put their impact over their self-interest.
What the world needs right now are people willing to reject the impact blinding messages whispering that what’s most important is accumulation of more, more, more…even if it comes at the expense of people and planet.
Hasn’t our planet indeed been sending us ample signals as of late about the folly of that type of thinking and doing?
Trump and those who lifted him to his current position as most powerful man on earth seem to want to just completely ignore those signals.
But our planet will return the favor and ignore us unless enough of us rise up and resist.
Now, you can choose to resist at home, or abroad (in a place like Costa Rica!). If you’d like to give Expat Mindfulness a try…
I am here to offer you a hand in that effort.
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