Over six years ago I wrote a post entitled, Mired in Mediocrity. I took a look at that one again this morning and to tell you the truth, in many ways, things haven’t changed that much. Oh, there have been subtle changes in outward circumstances, but real inner change…the kind that really matters…not that much.
So, what gives?
My previous post connected being “stuck in a mediocre existence” with our inner voice, our subconscious mind that, mainly out of fear, keeps us from taking those bold steps forward in a new direction.
The constant “what if-ing” quickly begins to invade our every creative thought.
But those inner voices are often joined by a cacophonous chorus of outer ones that also warn us of the perilous pitfalls that lie for those who follow their dreams.
And all that noise can easily drown out our hopes for more than a mediocre existence.
Because when one is mired in mediocrity one is more susceptible to control.
We just lower our heads and humbly do our jobs as cogs in the wheel of progress, without complaint or question. To try to break free, even in this the supposedly “freest” of all societies, will be met with harsh resistance, normally.
When one is mired in mediocrity one is more susceptible to control. We just lower our heads and humbly do our jobs as cogs in the wheel of progress without complaint or question.
So, maybe being “mired in mediocrity” is a bit more complicated than what my previous post proclaimed.
Those who choose not to remain mediocre, and we all have that choice, by the way, are often branded as the mad ones.
But it’s those mad ones that move us all forward, isn’t it?
So, we’re confronted with a personal dilemman as a result of these societal norms about what a sane life is supposed to look like. And that is, stay mired, or become mad and face the consequences.
Ideas that would have us break free from the muck and mire of mediocrity generally and initially will be branded as just that, mad.
“Are you friggin nuts,” is a common expression one might hear from both the inner voice, as well as a few outer ones.
Other voices will join the chorus with you’re not smart enough, talented enough, disciplined enough, tough enough, brave enough, good-looking enough…..
ok, ok, ENOUGH!
Get the picture?
So, Costa Rica Guy, I ask auto-rhetorically, what’s the friggin answer to this dilemma of mediocrity or madness?
I suggest that we…embrace the madness!
image credit: photonooner via Compfight cc
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