This morning I reach way back into the CRG archives once again…
Bob Dylan once sang that…
Someday, everything is gonna be smooth like a rhapsody…when I paint my masterpiece.
I believe Dylan was being facetious with that line, maybe with the entire song.
And then I also remember Big Tony (Robbins) once proclaiming that…
The road to someday leads to the town called nowhere.
I tend to draw inspiration from eclectic sources, don’t I?
I think Tony’s right because in my experience that mythical “someday” just doesn’t exist at all.
Waiting for some “day” to arrive at your doorstep in all its glorious perfection is like “waiting for Godot.”
But, as in the play, Godot just never seems to show.
I have often said that someday I will, or someday I won’t anymore.
Aspirations built upon the shoddy foundations of forlorn hope and recalcitrant expectation.
But life never gets smooth enough, the rough edges never hewn enough, the fog never lifts to be clear enough, and life just…goes on…
and my masterpiece in waiting…
Hold on…here’s a novel idea…
In splashing on the colors like Jackson Pollock on an acid trip.
Chaotic? At best.
But one can find joy in chaos, no?
I often like to describe the music of the Grateful Dead, my favorite band of bands, as “organized chaos.”
I guess a painting that would be a truthful representation of my life, all 53 years into it, would indeed be rather…chaotic.
A “Masterpiece?”
Now that’s really not for me to say and, in all truthfulness, I won’t be around to judge, will I?
The point of this post on painting masterpieces?
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