I made a decision back in December of last year to get serious about really learning how to do business online. I’d been doing exactly that for some time, but always relying on the usually shitty advice of “experts” when it came to the more cyber-spacial technical aspects. I have learned a great deal since then. One thing my “getting serious” did for me is lead me to guys like Srinivas Rao, who in my opinion is a true pioneer in the online entrepreneurial world.
Something happened recently that is causing me to pause and ask myself…what the f**k? I sense a disturbance in the force. What exactly is going on with this alliance that has suddenly blossomed between Srinivas Rao (my aforementioned online hero) and Glenn Beck, a guy who has been featured prominently in many of my past blog post rants?
What “the beck” is going on here? I believe, however, that having Rao and Beck allied is helping me to understand how to draw a distinction between what I want this site, Revolutionary Misfit, to be about and what others, such as that of Srinivas, are about.
First off, I read the letter that Srini posted to his Facebook Page that he received from Mr. Beck. In it Beck speaks of a radical transformation in world view. I am not exactly sure to what, but almost anything different than his former one would certainly be an improvement. Because his former one was to quickly label any attempt (and I mean ANY) to cure many of the ailments that both people and planet are universally suffering these days as part of an evil progressive conspiracy to subvert “American” world supremacy.
Beck’s views, or at least those he has spouted on Fox News, his radio show, books and other media outlets, have been as diametrically opposed to my personal world-view as one could possibly be. It is the antithesis of impact mindfulness…in my opinion.
Now maybe all that is changing…who knows? But, I doubt it.
So, what to make of Srini and Beck “teaming up” to do…exactly what…I am not sure? Actually, I have no idea whether there will ever be such a “teaming”…but the letter certainly invites one.
Srini’s views purport to be apolitical. Beck’s are, or have been, anything but. This site does not in any shape or form purport to be apolitical. It does propose the shedding of any of the usual labels that folks like Beck would normally be quick to slap upon it. But I do want the site to stand for an ideal…a worldview. And it is hard to untangle worldviews from politics. That worldview is more than a slightly bit impractical I will readily admit. But the only thing being suggested here is that we adopt and execute this worldview where it really counts…between the ears. Since that is where impact has its immediate impetus.
The only thing being suggested here is that we adopt and execute this worldview where it really counts…between the ears. Since that is where impact has its immediate impetus.
This site is not about the way to online entrepreneurial success. It is not a site about you, or me, but about us…the Big US. It is a site that says People matter…the Planet matters…and if ideas that better the condition of either could potentially be branded as radical, as progressive, as socialist, as communist, or as capitalist…it doesn’t matter. What matters is the impact that they can make on bettering the human condition!
That is the proposition on which this site stands and as someone once said…
Either you stand for something, or you’ll fall for anything.
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