I believe Facebook, other social media as well, but predominantly Facebook, has the potential for great societal benefit…
Because it’s a convenient location for important discussions to take place…
Discussions that can lead to action and change.
But…and this is a really big BUT…for that to happen we need to be less combative, and hyper-critical, in the way we participate, IMHO.
Instead, most discussions rapidly devolve into cyber-shouting matches in a vain attempt to try to prove the rightness of one’s position over another’s.
I believe that our world-views can handicap us in this effort.
That is, if your world-view is predominantly an exclusive one.
One that doesn’t leave room in the world for any other.
World-views that are religiously based tend to be that way.
Highly polarized political ones tend to be as well.
Maybe it’s a good idea to shun religious and political party affiliation altogether for the good of humanity?
Because no one is always right and to affiliate yourself with a particular religion or political party seems all too often tantamount to closed-mindedness.
As soon as words like Republican, Democrat, Liberal, Conservative, Progressive, Socialist, Christian, Muslim, and others of that ilk are unleashed…
the prospect for a meaningful discussion usually goes dramatically down…
It’s an inverse relationship.
Could it be possible to have a conversation without bringing any of that shit up?
I believe it can.
I can talk about a particular viewpoint as being either good or bad, in my opinion, without giving it any label…can’t I?
I was struck by insight one day, from who knows where, and it led me to this world-view that’s been my consistent guide for some time now, and it helps me to be, well, consistent…and open-minded.
Actually, I believe it was a gradual process, but I can pinpoint a particular moment when it all sort of jelled.
I call it Impact Mindfulness.
I’m particular fond of it because it’s fairly agnostic and apolitical.
It allows me to saunter into discussions without the temptation to immediately begin throwing grenades that polarize upon detonation.
I’m guided by the idea that people and planet will be better off if we believe and act on three simple ideas…
- that it’s best to prioritize impact (that is, the positive impact we can have for people and planet via our actions and inactions) over our self-interest…and in particular, our economic self-interest…
- that it’s best to embrace the idea of the Big US, or the one where every argument presupposes that we’re all on this planetary ship together, since that is, indeed, a fact…
- and that it’s best to take off impact blinders, such as political and religious affiliation, in order to see a bigger and more objective picture.
Am I patting myself on the back for breaking new philosophical ground with this?
No, of course not. I’m not by any means smart enough to accomplish such a feat.
All these ideas have been around…
Many label them as progressive…
But, you know, I don’t recoil at that label…as I truly believe progress is a good thing.
And I’d like to see more Facebook discussions that are progressive leaning and less that are partisan posturing and hyper-critical…
That is, discussions driven towards the end of progress for all, rather than towards elevation of ego via proving one’s rightness, or righteousness.
image credit: A Sheep in Man’s Clothing via Compfight cc