All authority is questionable and we should question it whenever we deem it in opposition to what we believe is right.
Nevertheless, there are many modern examples of seemingly settled authority being questioned.
The peace movements of the 60’s were in opposition to the authoritative proposition that the government always knows best. And that it was best to invade a country on the other side of the globe for dubious reasons. And to send young men and women into harm’s way in the process, not to mention the death and devastation wreaked upon the invaded country.
The Occupy Wall Street movement questioned the authoritative proposition that all economic wisdom and power should emanate from the captains of Wall Street crony capitalism.
In this blog I often rail against four authoritative type ideologies that I will refer to this morning as “the 4 isms of the apocalypse.”
Ism #1 – Nationalism
I really don’t believe in borders. They are man-made constructs that lead to distrust, wars, prejudices, economic distress and exploitation (among other things). I realize that we live in a world with them and there’s nothing much that can be done about it. But I do think that they provoke a nationalistic mode of thinking about the world that’s not helpful towards making it a better place to live in.
I really don’t believe in borders. They are man-made constructs that lead to distrust, wars, prejudices, economic distress and exploitation (among other things).
Ism #2 – Militarism
I never mean to offend. Shake things up, for sure. But offend, never. Offensiveness does not bring good results, ever. But I am offended by the size of the U.S. military budget, when there’s so much lack in our world.
That may sound unpatriotic, but it doesn’t make a lot of sense to me and I do question the authoritative proposition that U.S. militarism is a “good” thing. It also motivates (through fear) other countries to act the same way, which is why there are enough nuclear warheads in existence to blow the entire world to kingdom come.
I do question the authoritative proposition that U.S. militarism is a “good” thing.
Ism #3 – Capitalism (the kind that has “run amok”)
I have written so much on this topic over the years. No, I’m not anti-capitalist. And, no, I’m not socialist. I’m just a guy who has come to a belief that the brand of crony capitalism I’ve witnessed throughout most of my lifetime inspires greed.
And, no Mr. Gekko, greed is NOT good, ever.
It’s what brought the U.S. economy to its knees in 2008 (and dragged down the rest of the world with it).
Was that good?
Should it not be called into question?
Greed is not good.
Ism #4 – Materialism and Consumerism
Another topic on which I frequently dwell, so no big surprises here. We live in a world of limited natural resources. Nevertheless, there are countries that consume at a level right now that if the entire world did so at the same rate, we’d need several additional planets just to keep up with it.
Again, questionable?
I say yes!
There are countries that consume at a level right now that if the entire world did so at the same rate, we’d need several additional planets just to keep up with it.
And I will continue to use this platform to speak what’s on my mind. I will always try to do so in a non-offensive manner.
But I will question what I believe needs to be questioned.
And I will try as I might to change what I believe needs to be changed.
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