Hate seems to be very much in vogue these days…
so much so, that now we have a major TV network devoted almost entirely to fomenting it.
We are encouraged to hate…
Folks in the Middle East because they’re terrorists…and Muslim…
Europeans because they’re socialists…
Russians, the Chinese, North Koreans and certainly those damn Cubans because they’re communists…
Latin Americans because they’re mostly drug dealing psychopaths hell-bent on penetrating our borders, stealing our jobs and establishing Spanish as the language of the land…
Africans because that’s where Obama came from…
Have I left anyone out?…
Oh yea, those little green men from that distant planet because…well…they’re just plain weird…
And Canadians, because…well, OK we can tolerate most of them…except the French ones…
The problem with all this hate is that it tends to make our little corner of the world a much more dangerous and isolated place.
I guess in that regard hate breeds hate.
The more we hate the more reasons we can easily conjure up to hate even more.
It’s a cycle that probably won’t end well.
Here’s an interesting question for you…