Here’s a very old post from CRG that I always liked.
Should a human being be defined by one particular trait that tends to “stand out” in the mind of another, or in his or her own mind?
If other people see you as being fat, then do you tell yourself…
I am fat.
Is that who you are, fat?
Or, a father, a husband, a butcher, a baker or a candlestick maker?
Or, an idiot…an idea of which I frequently remind myself.
But the question “who are you” really goes much deeper than surface-level characterizations, doesn’t it?
In fact, when you really think about it, it is a difficult question to answer. I mean sitting here pondering it, I really don’t have a quick answer.
I am Scott Bowers (or is it Costa Rica Guy?).
But that doesn’t answer the question.
Scott Bowers is a name that I inherited. I didn’t choose it. I don’t even like it that much. I would prefer to be Guillermo, or something similarly mysterious and Latin. But my parents saw fit to give me the name Scott, or David Scott to be 100% accurate. I guess I’ve just learned to live with it.
When I was young folks had the habit of calling me Scotty, as in “beam me up Mr. Scotty.” I really didn’t appreciate that so much.
Living in Costa Rica, the name Scott Bowers often poses difficulties. First of all, for most ticos, the name “Scott” is readily associated with papel higienico, or toilet paper. Not a very flattering association, huh? I am reminded of it often here.
And my Germanic last name, Bowers, is virtually impossible to pronounce for most Latinos.
But is that who I am…Scott Bowers?
No, the name in and of itself is meaningless and I hope that I am not, at least not entirely, meaningless. There are a few people in this world that find meaning in my existence.
When you break it down to the lowest common denominator, who, or better, what, you are, is an “energy force.” An energy force with an ability to direct that energy to your choosing.
You are also an intrinsic component of this universe and when you direct your energy toward a determined end, the universe must follow suit as it is connected to you.
So maybe the answer to the question of who are you depends on where, or how, your energy is being directed at any given point along the space-time continuum.
Wow, I am beginning to sound a bit like Mr. Scotty from Star Trek.
Of course, you can direct your energy in ways that are destructive, or to ways that are constructive. Or we can just do nothing at all and then our energy will slowly stagnate and dissipate and sooner or later our flame will begin to flicker until it is finally extinguished.
Haven’t you noticed that the more proactive you are, the more energy you seem to have? And the less proactive you are, the more depressed and non-energetic you feel?
So for me the answer to the question is that I am energy. Not a “hey that is an energetic fellow” kind of an answer, but really, when you get right down to it, that is what I am…
The “who I am” is part and parcel of how I direct my energy…positively, or negatively. I can direct it negatively and be an SOB, or positively and be a saint.
The crazy thing to think about is that this universe to which we are connected is comprised of an infinite number of “energy forces.” However, they have no will…their energy is directed according to physical laws. I mean Saturn can’t up one day and decide to change the rotational direction of its rings, now can it?
Does that mean that the “universe” is indifferent as to how I direct my energy?
Hmm, that is an even more difficult question best reserved for another post, another day.
The moral of this story?
Don’t let faulty answers to the question of who are you influence and thereby misdirect the focus of your energy.
image credit: The Rocketeer via Compfight cc
[…] wrote long ago that “who you are” really is simply a mass of swirling atomic energy, just like all other matter that exists in the […]