Why did I start this blog?
Believe me that’s a question I ask myself all too frequently. But I sort of realize that’s just the resistance messing with me.
Because the answer is simple…
I had to!
A while back I heard a soul-stirring BlogcastFM interview with a 50+ year-old lady by the name of Jennifer Boykin. She has a blog called Life After Tampons.
Imagine that!
And how on earth did she have the audacity to start such a blog?
Because she had to!
Check out this quote from this superb Srinivas Rao interview:
A person who insists on making his or her lessons matter…that’s what grows wisdom.
Now get this…here’s a tweetable for you that just might get at the core of my intention…my why…
Fame and fortune are fleeting and fickle, but legacy leaving lingers. Tweet it Out!
or, as I often suggest…prioritize impact over interest.
I hear lots of people saying this (certainly heard it from Jennifer Boykin)…just not exactly like I say it.
The impetus for impact making is not (or should not be) fame and fortune.
It’s like Jennifer said during the interview…not everyone can be a Chris Guillebeau. And truth be told, the world does not need more Chris Guillebeaus.
It needs YOU and the impact that only YOU can make.
Why you?
Well I can only say that in my case, even though the field of my life is strewn with some pretty wicked weeds…wisdom is nevertheless lurking therein.
Even though the field of my life is strewn with some pretty wicked weeds…wisdom is nevertheless lurking therein.
The impact that I alone can make is in large part a product of the weeds.
Oh for sure the weeds can choke the life out of you…if you let them.
I can’t say my garden is all that stellar, but I’ve certainly done my share of weed pulling…
And making those life lessons in weed pulling matter is what will allow that wisdom gleaned to impact the world in a positive way.
Only I can do that.
You see, there’s good deal of wisdom in the weeds!
As Jennifer alluded, making my life lessons matter should be something that I insist upon…that should be my impetus for impact…not Guillebeau-ish popularity (sorry to pick on Chris so much…he is one of my favorite superstar bloggers).
Shouldn’t you insist on the same?
photo credit: Levels Nature via Compfight cc
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